Leader del futuro

IL CEO study  2010 di IBM comprende per la prima volta anche un sondaggio tra i giovani, studenti universitari e delle business school:  future leaders  Le risposte ottenute sono consonanti con quelle dei leader aziendali e mettono in primo piano la qualità creativa  della leadership ma accentuano anche  alcuni aspetti.

Students and
CEOs alike viewed creative leadership in terms of disrupting
the status quo and taking bold rather than incremental steps.
Additionally, CEOs who stood out from their peers were most
likely to continually develop new strategies and business
models instead of relying on yearly planning sessions. Creative
leadership like this makes the best fit for future leaders eager
to pursue new approaches.
Beyond this commonality, there were strong differences that
were entirely consistent with students’ values about sharing the
earth. Among the nine leadership traits CEOs and student
could choose from, students placed a higher emphasis on only
two leadership qualities – global thinking and a focus on sustainability