L’errore di guardare solo i numeri

McKinsey Quarterly ha pubblicato una conversazione con lo studioso americano Richard Rumelt sulle lezioni che i manager possono trarre dalla crisi, il quale critica il modo  in cui molti manager utilizzano le misure quantitative di performance aziendale (e ribadisce così i fondamentali dell’economia aziendale, purtroppo sempre più ignorati nel tempo):  “This smooth-sailing fallacy arises when we mistake a measure for reality. Competent management always looks deeper than the numbers, deeper than the current measures. Incompetent management just focuses on the metrics, on the body count, on quarterly earnings—or on GDP growth or the consumer price index. And that’s how we get into these troubles. We really have to think about the redesign of a lot of institutions and doctrines around measurement. This lesson is fundamental: you cannot manage by just looking at the results meter”.