Trends in quality

Il 22 novembre interverremo a Budapest al 3° European Quality Assurance Forum della European University Association, presentando l’unico paper di provenienza italiana, sul tema dei rapporti tra governance e valutazione: list of papers


Working Group Session III: Paper abstracts – Saturday 22

November, 11.15 – 12.00

III.1 Governance and Evaluation in the Italian University System: An Analysis of the Italian Experience By: Eliana Minelli and Gianfranco Rebora, University Carlo Cattaneo (Italy), Matteo Turri, University of Milan (Italy): Room: 102 – New Building, first floor

Chair: Guido Langouche, Chairman of the Executive Board, The Coimbra Group

Abstract: Evaluation and quality assurance in higher education are closely linked to system governance. The paper proposes four possible patterns of university system governance, according to locus and focus of governance. This frame of reference takes into consideration the Italian university system over the past twenty years where great changes have taken place and evaluation has been introduced. The paper pinpoints those characteristics that Italian university system governance has taken on over time which are in line with the external (locus), negotiation-based (focus) pattern. This model requires strong upport by suitable evaluation systems geared to fully implement the ENQA guidelines.